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Composers: Main List | Bakfark | Bazylik | Borek | Cato | Długoraj | Gomółka | Gorczycki | Jarzębski | Leopolita | Liban | Lilius | Jan z Lublina | Mielczewski | Pękiel | Mikołaj z Radomia | Szamotulski | Zieleński

Marcin Leopolita (ca.1530 - 1589)

Marcin Leopolita was born in Lwów. He studied at Kraków university (Collegium Maius) and at the age of 20 was already a member of the royal music ensemble at the court of King Zygmunt August. Same as in the case of Wac?aw z Szamotu?, few are the compositions of Leopolita that remained until our times: 5 religious motets and one Mass, Missa paschalis.

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